Home Visit Pet Euthanasia Service

Home Visit Pet Euthanasia Service

Putting pets to sleep in the comfort of their own home is the final gift an owner can give to their much loved pet. Having a vet visit at home removes the need for a stressful trip to the vet surgery and ensures pets pass away peacefully in familiar surroundings.

How to know it's time

Deciding when it is the right time to let your beloved pet go to their final rest is arguably the hardest part of owning a pet.

What happens at the visit

A sedation will be administered to your pet which will ensure the process is as peaceful and gentle as possible.

What happens after the home visit

We can help to decide if home burial or cremation is right for you and your pet.


Knowing that I can help pets and their owners at this really difficult time makes my job worthwhile.


The price includes the vet visit, sedation and euthanasia.
Peaceful Sleep Home Euthanasia

Rachel Bishop


Hi my name is Rachel, I’m an 11 year qualified vet living in York. I’ve spent the majority of my career working in charity practice and have been doing end of life home visits in York and the surrounding areas for several years alongside my work.

Saying goodbye is an inevitable part of pet ownership, but one that owners often find very difficult. Pets are much loved members of the family and we all want our pets to live forever, however the reality is at some point we have to make a decision to let them go.

Having a pet put to sleep at home provides a stress free, gentle service at the end of your pets life. It’s a service I think is really valuable and needed. Knowing that I can help at this really difficult time makes my job worthwhile.